The Robinson Drama classes offer a creative, academic outlet in a collaborative learning environment.
High School Students, you can join the Rambunctious Theatre Company Schoology page for more info on extracurricular auditions & tech opportunities!
Robinson school THEATRE ARTS
Did you know there are 11 different theatre classes you can take at Robinson Secondary School?
Are you having trouble figuring out how Theatre Arts could fit into your class schedule with all the demands of the Advanced or IB Diploma?
Or maybe you don't know what classes to take for your specific goals outside of high school?
Click on the videos below to see all of the different paths you could take as a Theatre student at Robinson and beyond!
Check out all of our Elective Videos for Theatre class offerings at Robinson!
Theatre Arts Appreciation (Semester Class)
Musical Theatre Appreciation (Semester Class)
Techncial Theatre Appreciation (Semester Class)
Advanced Theatre Arts Appreciation (Semester OR Full Year)
Theatre Arts 1-4 (taken in sequence)
Technical Theatre 1-4 (taken in sequence)
RISING 10TH - 12TH GRADERS (prerequisite of theatre 1 required)
HS Musical Theatre is only offered when enough people sign up!
ITS Troupe #3380 Induction Ceremony - May 10, 2024
ITS Troupe #3380 Induction Ceremony - June, 2019
The Honor Society for active Theatre Students at Robinson Secondary
As a member of ITS, you will be honored on an international level and have access to amazing resources including:
Recognition for all your amazing creativity and hard work.
Subscription to Dramatics magazine.
Student leadership opportunities at the troupe, state, and national levels.
Robinson participates in the National Capital Area chapter of The Cappies.
Cappies is a year-long program for theatre and journalism students through which students attend and discuss each other's shows, write reviews for publication, and at the end of the season decide who of their colleague student performers and technicians should be honored for awards.
The honors are celebrated at the Cappies Gala hosted by the Kennedy Center!
2022 Cappies Gala

2023 Cappies Gala

2019 Cappies Gala
The mission of the Cappies is:
To provide a unique collaborative learning experience for high school theatre and journalism students.
To encourage and advance the training of student writers, performing artists and technical crew o promote and celebrate the powerful creative work of high school theatre students, writers and their teachers.
To connect theatre students and programs in our region so they can learn from, respect and support each other. To strengthen the support of the stakeholders who fund theatre and the arts in our schools.